BHF Datenbank -- Sämtliche Einreichungen #TBM

9:03 min
/ von Dagmar Cassens // Regie: Dagmar Cassens
This is a story about redheads, Beverly, an excellent athlete, and Margie's obsessive compulsive disorder. Margie meets red haired Beverly at an Olympic diving training camp in Tennessee in 1964. They become diving buddies. Suddenly, Beverly vanishes. Margie lives in Berlin ...
1:43 min
/ von blablabor // Regie: blablabor
e k b a l s a: t t a s e s a: l l a s l a: s t a: l t e l t a k l a k l a: k e k a l ...
/ von Margarethe Maierhofer-Lischka, Arne Glöckner // Regie: Margarethe Maierhofer-Lischka und Arne Glöckner
In lockdown, the kitchen becomes the centre of life. Dramatic and ironic accidents across space and time unfold there, subverting and questioning social issues. We play god, we are scientists observing unexpected developments; we are helplessly watching a cauliflower asteroid ...
/ von Cindy Capleton (a.k.a. Agata Milizia) // Regie: Agata Milizia
Set in an imaginary world, where entertainment doesn’t follow any moral or ethical rule. After a reflection about the pace of life, the short tale begins. In a stadium the public literally feasts on the football players. When everyone ...
13:21 min
/ von Benjamin Yates // Regie: Benjamin Yates
400 Lux of Green is a documentary detailing a search for a rare optical phenomenon called the 'Green Ray' on the Greek island of Ithaca. Whilst the search eventually proves futile, the documentary is a gentle study of the community, characters, ...
3:30 min
1. Preis #TBM, BHF 2020
/ von Wederik De Backer // Regie: Wederik De Backer
"It was quiet for a while. Then it took a little longer. Until the silence became so loud, that only the GPS dared to break it." This is the story of a young man sitting in the back seat of ...